Dental Crowns Colorado Springs
A Royal Treatment to Preserve Your Tooth
If you have a severely damaged or decaying tooth or are about to undergo a root canal procedure, you’ll likely be fitted with a dental crown. This is a royal treatment that preserves your tooth’s appearance and functionality in circumstances that might otherwise require extraction and replacement. By fitting you with this type of restoration, Dr. Patterson can safeguard your smile in the long run.
Continue reading to learn about getting dental crowns in Colorado Springs, and feel free to contact us for more information.
Why Choose Colorado Springs Complete Dentistry for Dental Crowns?
- One-Day Dental Crowns Available
- Beautiful & Durable Tooth-Colored Materials
- Advanced Technology to Enhance Patient Comfort
What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap made of resilient materials, like tooth-colored porcelain or zirconia, bonded over an injured tooth to protect it. These are often the preferred solution if a decayed tooth is too far gone to be fixed effectively with a filling or has sustained so much damage that it can’t be repaired. It’s also usually applied after a root canal to ensure the treated tooth doesn’t become reinfected.
Our team can fully customize your prosthetic to be just the right size, shade, and shape to match your natural teeth for seamless results.
The Dental Crown Process

Although it can differ slightly based on your unique circumstances, typically, you can receive your artificial tooth the same day as your visit because we use advanced E4D restoration technology. First, we’ll prepare your tooth by removing any decayed or injured materials and filing down the enamel so the crown won’t look overly bulky once placed. Then, we’ll digitally scan your tooth into our computer software program to design the blueprint for it. This is sent to an in-office milling machine that starts carving it out of a single block of resilient ceramic.
Once that’s complete, we’ll test the fit. If everything is working as intended, we can polish it to perfection and cement it over your injured tooth.
The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

Getting your dental crown in Colorado Springs provides many advantages, including:
- Preserve your oral health. Without a restoration, your injured tooth can become infected or break even further, which can impact neighboring teeth, your gums, and your jawbone.
- Restore your mouth’s functionality. Once it’s in place, you can eat, speak, and smile as usual.
- Boost your confidence. Because they’re made to match your natural teeth, you’ll look and feel like the best version of yourself.
- Avoid costly procedures. Paying for this prosthetic now can help you avoid a costly extraction and replacement later.
- Easy to maintain. To keep it clean, brush and floss your teeth twice daily as usual, and visit us every six months for a routine checkup and cleaning.